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Showing posts from June, 2018

Research: Teaching and Learning Grammar

Chomsky identified three basic types of syntactic structures: finite state grammar, phrase structure grammar, and transformational grammar. Transformational grammar is a means of dealing with constituent structures like active and passive forms.  This is done through a set of rules that are based on the phrase structure, the horizontal structure, and the vertical or tree structure.  Those rules transform phrase structures into other forms and provide a more economical explanation of how language functions.  Transformational grammar, then, is a means of explaining the deep structure of a language.  In the 1970’s there was great optimism regarding transformational grammar.  It emphasis on how surface structures can be generated from deep structures and how structures can be transformed into stylistic variants seemed to indicate that a study of transformational grammar would carry over into “improved” language use.   Ask for full research paper (

Research: Teaching Grammar for Adults

Chomsky (1957) suggested that a grammar should describe a native speaker’s intuitive understanding of the language he or she uses.  He uses the terms “deep structure and “surface structure” to describe that intuitive knowledge.  According to Chomsky, just such a grammar would be the grammar that he introduced as Transformational Grammar.  Initially Chomsky tried to explain how actual language users created and understood grammatical structures they had never encountered in previous experience.  He therefore established a set of transformational rules that explained a user’s competence with language.  This competence, he theorized, explained how language users could generate grammatical sentences. He explained that competence in language use did not mean a user could invoke the generative rules of the language. We need to look at the term “generative grammar” in order to better understand Chomsky’s point here. Ask for full research paper (

Research: To what extent can Word Sort technique improve the students’ vocabulary mastery

To what extent can Word Sort technique improve the students’ vocabulary mastery  In teaching English for young learners, vocabulary is one of crucial parts that should be properly taught if it is to be successful. Without a sufficient vocabulary, the students cannot communicate effectively or express their idea in both oral and written forms. Furthermore, the students are expected to master vocabulary and its grammatical rules to make communication as well to another student. On the other hand, lack of vocabulary can cause problem for them to maintain communication. Therefore, if the students have ability in understanding the words and meaning, they do not only know the words, but also can use the words in the context.   English is one of the compulsory subjects at Primary school Darma Yuda, Pekanbaru, which is normally taught twice a week, 70 minutes in each meeting. In this school English becomes a compulsory subject, which has been taught from grade one to grade six. Then,

Research: The Correlation between Students’ Reading Interest and Their Reading Comprehension

The Correlation between Students’ Reading Interest and Their Reading Comprehension  This research was conducted at SMPN 1 Siak Hulu. The subject of this research was the students at the eighth grade of SMPN 1 Siak Hulu. And the object of this research was the students’ ability in reading comprehension. The researcher took purposes sampling. In order to collect the data of this research, the researcher used test and questionnaire. In analyzing the data to categorize the students’ ability in reading comprehension, the researcher categorized them into four levels. They were good, fair, less, and bad. The students’ reading interest, the researcher categorized it into three levels. They we re high, middle, and low. Based on the data analysis, the researcher concluded that there was no correlation between students’ reading interest and their reading comprehension. The students’ reading interest at the eighth grade of SMPN 1 Siak Hulu wa s categorized into middle. The st

Research: The Identification of Students’ Translation Method at The Fourth Semester Students

The Identification of  Students’ Translation Method at The Fourth Semester Students Translation is a way of translator to find out the intention conveyed by authors or writer which translator masters from Source Language (SL) to Target Language (TL) . It can be seen in the journals ; articles and books use English as the Source Language and the meaning   are also able translated Indonesia as the Target Language dealing with the topic and the same meaning . These results of that scientific translating are conducted by the translators. According to Newmark (1988: 5) Translation is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text. Each student has his own way of translating of a text. Their way depends on their habitual when do translation. As the translator the students however get difficult to translate the text although used Google translate. It is most closely related to the semantics and equivalent

Research: A study on a student’s ability to pronounce English at second semester students of English Education Department Faculty of Education and Teachers Training Lancang Kuning University

A study on a student’s ability to pronounce English at second semester students of English Education Department Faculty of Education and Teachers Training Lancang Kuning University Based on the findings and discussion previously, the data of this research can be concluded as in the following: 1.       Akzir Fitri Afiani is the best student at English Education Department Faculty of Education and Teachers Training Lancang Kuning University. She has good English skills especially on pronunciation in speaking. 2.       There are some factors influences her pronunciation. The factors are as follows: a.        Motivation, Akzir Fitri Afiani has been interested in English since at Junior High School. b.       Speaking alone at home, she likes speaking alone at her home to improve her pronunciation in speaking. c.        Clarify the words on oxford dictionary, she always clarifies the words on dictionary to know how pronounce the words. d.       Reading aloud, she likes rea

Research: Students’ Ability in Using Simple Present Tense in Writing Descriptive Text

Students’ Ability in Using Simple Present Tense in Writing Descriptive Text  This research was done to identify the eight grade students’ ability in using simple present tense in descriptive text at SMPN 2 Kampar Kiri Hilir academic year 2012/2013. Type of the research was cross-sectional survey design with the aim was to be an evaluation program. Whole of the participant in this research was 30 eight grade students of SMPN 2 Kampar Kiri Hilir. Instrument used in this research was test. In collecting the data, the researcher gave the students test about simple present tense in form of texts. The data gained were analyzed by using descriptive statistic. After analyzing the data, the students’ ability in using simple present tense in descriptive text was categorized into “Less” level. It was probed by their mean score 46.76. Therefore both teacher and students were suggested to increase their understanding of simple present tense and descriptive text and its teaching and learning

Research: An Analysis of the Students’ Ability on Mastery Articles

            An Analysis o f t he Students’ Ability on Mastery Articles  This research was conducted at English Education Department of FKIP Unilak Pekanbaru . The subject of this research was the students at the second semester of English Education Department of FKIP Unilak Pekanbaru and the object of this research was the students’ ability on mastery articles . The research was survey design method. The researcher took stratified sampling. In order to collect the data of this research, the researcher used test. In analyzing the data to categorize the students’ ability in identifying articles in sentences , the researcher used descriptive statistics . The students’ ability on mastery articles wa s categorized into low. The result of analysis showed that average score of 30 students’ ability on mastery articles wa s 58.8 . I t is hoped that the finding of the present study will be useful for the teaching of English, especially on mastery articles. ask for full re

Research: The effectiveness of bottom-up strategy and top-down strategy on improving students’ ability in reading comprehension at eight grade students of SMPN 30 Pekanbaru

  The effectiveness of bottom-up strategy and top-down strategy on improving students ability in reading comprehension at eight grade students of SMPN 30 Pekanbaru. 1.     There was a significant difference of the students’ reading   comprehension between pre-test and post-test of treatment class. It could be proved by the research finding on page 31. It meant that, there was a significant different of the students’ comprehension before and after the implementation of bottom-up and top-down strategies at the eight grade students of SMPN 30 Pekanbaru. 2.     There was a significant difference of the students’ reading comprehension between pre-test and post-test of control class. It could be proved by the research finding on page 31. It meant that, there was a significant difference of the students’ reading comprehension who did not receive instruction of the strategies at the eight grade students of SMPN 30 Pekanbaru. 3.     There was no significant difference on students’ rea

Research: Mixed Model: Students’ Ability in Applying Verb Tenses in Writing Sentence

Mixed Model: Students’ Ability in Applying Verb Tenses in Writing Sentence  Based on the data analysis explained in chapter IV, the researcher described some conclusions as in the following: 1.       There are 60 students of the second year students of English Department FKIP UNILAK Pekanbaru who participated in this research. From these 60 students can be seen that the total of the students’ scores in verb tenses test is 3098, mode of the students’ scores is 52, median of the students’ scores is 50.6, variance of the students’ scores is 261.54, and standard deviation is 16.17. The scores range from a low of 20 to a high of 84, a range of 64 points. 2.       The average score of the students’ ability in applying verb tenses in writing sentence is 51.63. It means that the students’ ability in applying verb tenses in writing sentence is categorized into less. 3.       The students’ common problems in mastering verb tenses in writing sentences can be classified into two groups

Research: Improving Students Writing Skill in Descriptive Paragraph by Using Semantic Mapping at the Seventh Grade Class D of SMP N 29 Pekanbaru. Classroom Action Research. SMP Negeri 29 Pekanbaru.

Improving Students W riting S kill in Descriptive Paragraph by U sing Semantic Mapping at the S eventh G rade Class D of SMP N 29 Pekanbaru . Classroom Action Research . SMP Negeri 29 Pekanbaru . This research was a class room act ion research that was done at the seventh grade class D of SMP N 29 academic years 2011/2012 with participants were 38 students . The research was conducted due to the problems of students in learning writing . Therefore, the researcher decided to try to improve their writing skill by applying semantic mapping strategy . The researcher collected data through doing some instruments such as writing tests, observations, field notes, and interview. Based on all of data, those proved that their writing skill and its process of learning writing increased . From the previous explanations, the researcher could conclude that applying semantic mapping strategy could improve students' writing skill . There wer

Research: Enhancing Students’ Speaking Skill By Applying Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS) Teaching and Learning Technique At The Fifth Grade Students Class B Of Darma Yudha Primary School

Enhancing Students’ Speaking Skill By Applying Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS) Teaching and Learning Technique The purpose of this research was to prove and signify whether the implementation of Two Stay Two Stray teaching and learning technique could better improve the students’ speaking skill at the fifth grade class B of Darma Yudha Primary School and the factors influenced it. This research was the classroom action research that was conducted at Darma Yudha Primary School class B academic years 2011/2012 with the amount of participant were 25 students. The reason of why the researcher carried out this research was the students had problem in speaking especially they had problem in term of their comprehension while speaking. By the previous evidence, the researcher decided to solve it by applying Two Stay Two Stray learning technique. The instruments of collecting the data in this research were by running some instruments such as speaking tests, observations, field notes, and intervi